Testing for Radon during a Home Inspection.

Are you are deciding to purchase a home and wondering if testing for radon during the home inspection is necessary or not, then the answer is āYes.ā The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also suggests the buyers to test their property for radon. It is also important to hire a licensed professional like the Albany, NY home inspection to test your house for elevated radon levels.
Testing a newly purchased property will allow you to find out whether the house is safe or it contains dangerous radon levels. Every home inspection must include radon testing, as the testing equipment typically needs a few days to collect a sample. Therefore, a home inspection company sets up the testing equipment on the day of home inspection and come back later to collect the sample. The Albany, NY home inspector could also set up the testing equipment in advance and take it out when inspecting your home. The Albany, NY home inspection experts will perform a radon mitigation process that routes the gas outside before it seeps into the living spaces of your home.
Radon testing is cheaper and a nice way to complement your income. Moreover, radon is a very dangerous gas and it is known for being the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. If you are in a process of purchasing a property then it is important to test your home for radon during the home inspection process. The Albany, NY home inspection experts have the license and proper training to check your home and reduce the elevated level of radon. It is important to know that it is not about the age of the house, it is only about the soil underneath the structure, therefore it does not matter where you live, the radon testing could save many lives.

The Author Kevin Maxwell is the owner and operator of Maxwell Home Inspection Services, LLC. Kevin Maxwell is a certified Home Inspector located in Albany NY that has performed over 6000 Inspections Book online Phone: 1-800-598-4754